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At Fit and Fun Playscapes, we are happy to provide you with the latest material on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) through our newly developed SEL Resource Center. Educators understand the importance of physical activity and frequent movement opportunities for child development. Research documents that children be given opportunities to work on their social emotional learning skills. Social-emotional learning helps children improve their academic performance, build character, reduce dropout rates, and appropriately engage their peers. Evidence suggests that SEL programs that incorporate frequent physical activity positively affect students' success in school.
There are many examples of social emotional programs that parents, teachers and schools can access. The Fit and Fun SEL Resource Center will provide information, resources and references that will help you engage and build your SEL library.  Scroll down to sign up for our "Activating SEL" professional development series.

What is Social Emotional Learning (SEL)?

Why is movement important to SEL?

Where can SEL take place?

Understand SEL Fundamentals

Social emotional learning (SEL) is best defined and understood by CASEL. The CASEL framework identifies five (5) competencies  or abilities that should be addressed in learning standards to prepare children for life. The framework provides a foundation for applying evidence-base strategies that involve the "whole" child. 

SEL is a methodology that helps students of all ages to better comprehend their emotions, to feel those emotions fully, and demonstrate empathy for others. These learned behaviors are then used to help students make positive, responsible decisions, create frameworks to achieve their goals, while building positive relationships.

SEL promotes personal and academic growth by maintaining positive relationships, engaging in lifelong learning and contributing to a just society. When SEL strategies are used, we have a better understanding of our emotions, are able to fully and freely feel our emotions, and demonstrate empathy toward others. The five SEL competencies are:

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Social awareness
  • Relationship skills
  • Responsible decision-making

CASEL FRAMEWORK with Child at Center

CASEL also identifies where SEL can be observed, learned and used. The rings around the above graphic illustrate these settings (classrooms, schools, homes and communities). It is important to note that these settings are equitable learning environments and each is collectively and individually important. Each setting provides its own strategies to integrate SEL as follows:

CLASSROOMS: SEL Instruction and classroom climate.

SCHOOLS: Schoolwide culture, practices and policies

FAMILIES & CAREGIVERS: Authentic partnerships

COMMUNITIES: Aligned learning opportunities

Like many organizations, Fit and Fun Playscapes embraces the CASEL standards as the best source for understanding and implementing SEL programs. SHAPE America has developed guidelines aligning the competencies of the CASEL framework with the related skills in their National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. 

Learn more with our PD Series: "Activating SEL"

Fit and Fun believes in all the benefits of movement and we invite you to take advantage of our free, online video series, “Activating SEL”. We know so many teachers who are aware of the mind-body connection of Social Emotional Learning. But not all know about evidence-based strategies  that are a proven way to help children learn how to feel comfortable in the gym, classrooms, playground, at home, in the community, and beyond. 

Activating SEL header

The series consists of 4 parts, with a total time commitment of just less than an hour. These will address the impact of delays in SEL, the CASEL framework, how movement opportunities support the development of SEL behavior in individual children and resources to implement. Upon completion, you can download a digital badge and they will send you a certificate of completion. SEL Certificate and Badge
Click below to sign up and explore our "Activating SEL" professional development video series.

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Explore SEL Movement Solutions

For years, countless schools, centers and organizations have come to Fit and Fun to integrate movement opportunities into their environments. And let's face it, kids love to play and our products help them play together! Explore indoor, outdoor and portable opportunities for kids to play, interact and learn together in fun, engaging ways.

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