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Understanding Why Children Fidget: Causes and Solutions


Discover the underlying causes of children's fidgeting and explore effective strategies to help them focus better in educational settings.

Some Kids Just Need to Fidget

Fidgeting in children can be indicative of various underlying issues or needs. It can be a natural response to boredom, anxiety, or a way to expend excess energy. For some children, fidgeting can also be a coping mechanism to handle stress or overwhelming sensory input.


What Does Fidgeting Indicate?

Before we dive in, let's start with a personal story from our Founder and CEO, Pam, about why the topic of fidgeting is important to her. "Ahh, fidgeting.... I have 3 sons, one of which is a known for his repetitive and diverse need to fidget. He has ADD, as well as my eldest, and he has struggled for many years, tapping pencils, his fingers, or whistling while in class and at home. He knows it bothers fellow students (and his siblings) but doesn't realize it until they get annoyed. I wanted to try to develop a quiet tool that he could use to fidget without distracting others around him. That's what sparked my idea to create "Fidgetivities®", decals that go on his folder, water bottle, or desk, and help him regulate with designs that are fun, interesting, and allow his fingers to move without making noise." 

Fidgeting in children can be indicative of various underlying issues or needs. It can be a natural response to boredom, anxiety, or a way to expend excess energy. For some children, fidgeting can also be a coping mechanism to handle stress or overwhelming sensory input. It is important to understand that fidgeting is not necessarily a negative behavior. In many cases, it can be a sign that the child is trying to self-regulate and stay focused amid distractions or discomfort.

Common Causes of Fidgeting in Children

Several factors can contribute to fidgeting in children. Some common causes include Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders, sensory processing issues, and lack of physical activity. Children with ADHD, for example, may find it difficult to stay still due to their hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Other factors may include an unsuitable classroom environment, such as uncomfortable seating or inadequate breaks, which can exacerbate a child's need to move. Additionally, emotional factors like stress, excitement, or frustration can also lead to increased fidgeting. One thing is certain, fidgeting is on the rise and schools and families need to understand and help fidgeters with tools to support their needs.

Impact of Fidgeting on Learning and Classroom Dynamics

Fidgeting can have both positive and negative effects on learning and classroom dynamics. On the positive side, fidgeting can help children with ADHD or anxiety stay focused and engaged with the material being taught. Movement can stimulate the brain and improve concentration, as well as provide so many other physical, mental, social, and academic benefits.

On the negative side, excessive fidgeting can be disruptive to the classroom environment. It can distract other students and make it challenging for teachers to maintain order and deliver lessons effectively. It can also be destructive, like fidgeters that like to pick until there is nothing left to pick. Understanding the balance is key to managing fidgeting in a productive manner.

Effective Strategies to Manage Fidgeting

There are several strategies that educators can employ to manage fidgeting in the classroom. Providing fidget tools, such as stress balls or Fidgetivities®, can help children channel their need to move in a non-disruptive way. Incorporating short breaks for physical activity can also be beneficial. Recent studies outlined in an Edutopia article explain that noisy and flashy fidgets like fidget spinners and popping devices are more distracting than supportive. Therefore, we are not recommending these tools to help. A quote from this article reads "After reviewing decades’ worth of studies on fidgets, Kriescher and her team say that the devices are often distracting for users and other classmates, and teachers should “proceed with caution when considering implementing fidget toys as a behavioral or attentional support in the general education classroom.”"

Additionally, creating a structured and predictable classroom routine can help reduce anxiety-related fidgeting. Seating arrangements that allow for movement, such as standing desks or wobble cushions, can also support children who need to move while learning. And of course, fidgets that are quiet and unassuming are great tools as well.

Creating a Supportive Learning Environment

A supportive learning environment is crucial for managing fidgeting effectively. This involves understanding and addressing the individual needs of each child. Teachers can work with parents and specialists to develop individualized plans that accommodate a child's specific needs. We encourage the student to be involved with the conversation and strategies to learn what is working or not, and allow the child to be invested in a solution that works for them.

Promoting a positive and inclusive classroom culture where movement is not stigmatized can also help. Encouraging open communication about what helps each student focus and feel comfortable can lead to a more harmonious and productive learning environment for all.

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