
Teacher Talks - Michelle Huff

Written by Fit and Fun Playscapes | Nov 4, 2021 8:24:00 AM



Michelle Huff is a middle and high school HPE teacher in the Metuchen School District in Metuchen, New Jersey. She is the SHAPE New Jersey Vice President of Physical Education, the SHAPE America New Jersey State Coordinator for Health Moves Minds, and a member of the NJDOE HPE Standards Review Team.



Michelle has a ton of accolades, but she has those positions for a reason. Michelle is incredibly well versed in health/physical education, specifically mental health. That’s why she founded “Health Moves Minds,” whose goal and mission is “to build a kinder and healthier world for the nation’s youth” through skills, activities, and exercise. 

One of the biggest parts of education she advocates for is for teachers to check in with their students, either on a monthly, weekly, or even daily, basis. Showing your students that you care, she says, is one of the most crucial connections you can make as a teacher.

Watch Michelle's Teacher Talk below!