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Spray Chalk for Active Sidewalks


Spray Chalk for Active Sidewalks We did the testing so you don't have to!

spray paint of various colors in colored circles

When you're creating an Active Sidewalk, what kind of materials should you use? Paint? Spray chalk? Regular sidewalk chalk? There's a lot of options, so we broke them down for you!

Liquid Paint

Liquid paint is best for permanent applications, such as for a town project or park space on pavement, and should not be used for a temporary active sidewalk. Liquid paint can be ordered through Fit and Fun Playscapes or purchased at any local hardware store, though at Fit and Fun Playscapes we coordinate how much paint and supplies you'll need. Plus, we partner with Sherwin-Williams paint and include an anti-skid additive and color options. Delivery is also typically free.

Spray Chalk

Montana Chalk Spray – Chalk-based spray, could last months (depending on weather), vibrant colors, good variety, large 11 oz. cans, removal needs power-washing. Costs about $12 per can.

Chalk It All - Water-based spray, lasts for days (depending on weather), pastel colors, 5 colors only, smaller 7 oz. cans, removal just needs a hose typically. Costs about $6.45 per can.

Testors Spray Chalk - Water-based spray, lasts for days and in some cases weeks (depending on weather), deeper pastel colors, 5 colors only, smaller 6 oz. cans, removal with a hose and some brushing. Costs about $5.50 per can.

Liquid Paint vs. Spray Chalk - Pros and Cons

Paint Pros and Cons

  • Permanent
  • Some, like Fit & Fun options, have anti-skid additive included, and tools can be included as an option
  • Pre-selected colors or custom
  • More expensive upfront, but more efficient

Chalk Pros and Cons

  • Temporary of varying lengths of time
  • Spray, liquid or stick
  • Spray – easy to use, aerosol, variety in terms of wear and price
  • Liquid – easy to use but not very durable, plus the coverage seems thin. Not recommended for large projects.
  • Stick – easy to use, breaks a lot, labor-intensive, temporary. Not recommended for large projects.


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