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Fit and Fun Playscapes Launches Website Page Dedicated To Education Grants


Here at Fit and Fun Playscapes, we understand the challenges schools face in funding physical activity and/or sensory equipment. Often times, budgets are tight and resources constrained - especially in urban or rural districts where public education funding is particularly tight. That's why we created a special grants page dedicated to help you get the funding you need.

We decided to organize our grants page by type, like "Sensory & Inclusive Needs," "Physical Education," "Playground," etc., so that you can use the page as a resource and navigate to the specific type of grant you want to apply for. For instance, under the "Sensory & Inclusive Needs" category, we included links to grants provided by Autism Speaks, Bright Steps Forward, and the U.S. Department of Education, while under the "Physical Education & Activity Supports" section, we included links to grants from Fuel Up To Play 60, the After School Alliance, and the Action For Healthy Kids.

Why Grants?

Grants are essential to schools and districts and are responsible for funding everything from classroom supplies to a brand-new playground, especially in districts with extremely small or tight budgets. While suburban school districts are generally well-funded, due local education budgets being largely tied to property taxes in the United States, urban and rural school districts tend to be less well off. Therefore, they end up needing grants to supplement their budgets in order to provide their kids with the resources they deserve, and need, to succeed.

How Fit and Fun Playscapes Helps

In addition to gathering the grant resources listed on our Grants & Funding Page, Fit and Fun Playscapes can connect you with a grant writing assistant to help you complete your application to any of the grants listed. We get it - educators are busy folks and may not have the time (or patience, frankly!) required to fill out a grant application. As a part of our mission to help teachers, physical education professions, principals, school resource officers, and various other amazing folks teaching the next generation of kiddos, we're happy to lend you a hand if it means getting your kids the resources they deserve!

Five Grants Worth Looking At

Even if you think you've got enough funding (which, believe us, we've never spoken to an educator who has enough funding) there are a few grants you should take a look at. If you've got a specific project in mind, some of these amazing grant opportunities might be for you!

Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks is the world's leading autism science and advocacy organization, dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism; increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders; and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. There are a number of grants and grant services listed on their website.

Fuel Up To Play 60

Fund to improve healthy eating and physical activity opportunities at school. Up to $4,000 per year is available to qualified K-12 schools enrolled in Fuel Up to Play 60 to jump-start healthy changes.

After School Alliance

The After School Alliance is an amazing resource that outlines funding sources from federal and state agencies and private companies. Use the search tool to zone in on types of grants.

Action For Healthy Kids

Action for Healthy Kids has provided $9.3 million in grants to schools since 2009 to help them accomplish their student wellness goals.


Kaboom! works nationally to achieve equitable and accessible playspaces. They team up with communities to build playspaces that help give every kid the chance to thrive physically, socially and emotionally.

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