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Cross Curricular Ideas That Keep Kids MOVING and Make Learning FUN!


Integrating physical activity and movement opportunities throughout the day is a fun and meaningful way to engage all learners. Physical educators often combine movement with other subjects from the classroom.

Classroom teachers can also use PHYSICAL ACTIVITY to drive home CURRICULAR CONCEPTS.

These cross-curricular activities can provide a well-rounded educational experience for students.


Below are some cross-curricular ideas that combine movement with classroom subjects:

Math and Physical Activity:

  • Create fitness challenges (stations) or obstacle courses that involve counting, measuring, and graphing various physical activities.
  • Focus on fitness and agility! Calculate and track heart rate during different exercises. Use chalk to write down your own heart rate at various stations on the playground.
  • Exercise your math skills with a colorful fraction chart, jumping or hopping on equations and answers. Our Fraction Actionz Reusable Stencil is a good way to calculate.
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  • Use stencils to create an active learning environment that involves math concepts such as basic counting such as hopscotch.  
    Modern Hopscotch 4 

Science and Physical Activity:

  • Study the science of motion and biomechanics by analyzing different sports techniques and movements. Model those patterns (e.g. Sports Charades) in a mirror or pose. See if others can guess the sport you are performing.
  • Explore the effects of exercise on the human body, such as heart rate, breathing, and muscle response. Fitness activities such as planks, high knees, jumping jacks, lunges, and squats are great ways to see immediate changes in heart rate and muscle response!
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  • Investigate nutrition and the impact of food choices on physical performance.

Language Arts and Physical Activity:

  • Using chalk, have students draw their favorite sports or physical activities. When completed, have the class move from one to another and perform the drawing they see.
  • Learn about famous athletes, sports history, or health-related topics and create a movement story.
  • Create a fitness-themed vocabulary or spelling bee, incorporating terms related to physical education and or physical activity. Hop Letters and Shapes® SUPER STICKERS® is great for this activity!
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Social Studies and Physical Activity:

  • Explore different traditional sports and games from various cultures around the world.
  • Use a map of the US to connect with capitol cities from each state!
    ST USA Map - Kids In Use 1
  • Study the historical and cultural significance of the Olympic Games or other major sporting events.
  • Investigate the impact of sports on society, including issues of diversity, gender, and inclusion. Talk about these using the Buddy Circle in reflection after participating in game play. (This product is also available in Spanish.)
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Art and Physical Activity:

  • Design and create unique fitness graphics or posters promoting physical fitness.
  • Create collages or artwork showcasing different sports/fitness/ activities.
  • Incorporate dance or movement into art projects, exploring the connection between visual expression and physical movement.

Technology and Physical Activity:

  • Use fitness tracking apps or wearable devices to collect and analyze data on students' physical activity levels.
  • Create multimedia presentations or videos showcasing different exercises or sports techniques.
  • Research and analyze the impact of technology on sports performance, such as the use of advanced training equipment or virtual reality simulations.

When creating cross-curricular activities, the best approach is to team with another teacher who has expertise in that content (e.g. Classroom Teacher for Reading). Remember to adapt these ideas based on the age and ability level of your students and consider aligning them with your specific state curriculum or content standards.


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