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Posts by Fit and Fun Playscapes:

Active Sidewalks - Why Now is The Right Time to Make One

Active Sidewalks a.k.a. Chalk the Walk, Fitness Trails, Activity Circuits, etc. are becoming very popular on social media these days, although they've been around for decades. With everyone staying at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and finding this new normal increasingly challenging to stay...
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Introducing Free Creative Resources

We know it's a tough time right now. Kids are either at home for the foreseeable future or are returning to school on switch schedules. Parents are wondering what to do with them and teachers are doing their best to adapt in-person lesson plans into months-long remote learning -- an exhaustive...
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2019: A Year In Review

Well, here we are again, folks! Another year in the books. 2019 is nearly over and 2020 is just around the corner. When did that happen?!? Last year, right around this time, we posted our "Year-in-Review 2018" here on the blog, highlighting a ton of awesome stuff we'd done over the past year. It...
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